The clinical presentation of whiplash is dominated by head (cervicogenic headache), neck and upper thoracic pain. While the exact mechanisms of how the tissues become injured and how the pathology develops are not clear, the pain is usually attributed to soft tissues and joint dysfunction.
Whiplash is a common injury and the estimated incidence is about 4 cases per 1000 persons. Neck pain and stiffness are the most frequently reported symptoms associated with whiplash. This highlights the need for practitioners of manual therapies to be knowledgeable in the area of cervical acceleration-deceleration injuries.
Whiplash patients may also complain of headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, dysphagia, paraesthesia, shoulder girdle pain, temporomandibular joint dysfunction and cognitive difficulties following a whiplash type injury.
The vast majority of research performed on the effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) has been for low-back pain. This is despite the fact that the most frequent site of injury in the spinal column is the cervical region. Two studies (2-3) have strongly suggested that manipulation has provided a successful long-term decrease in the symptoms of chronic whiplash.
Manipulated patients had more reduction in all the outcome measures than the control group, but only neck pain and thoracic pain measures were statistically significant. Clearly these two related studies provide information that people with whiplash injures have thoracic spine dysfunction and that manipulation the dysfunctional segments results in better outcomes than conventional physiotherapy alone.
Timely detection and care of cervical spine injuries and abnormal kinematics may prevent or reduce the severity of damage. Thoracic may play a role in the recovery of whiplash patients.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at and if you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Chiropractic for Chronic Low Back Pain
A study published in an issue of the European Spine Journal compares the effectiveness of the flexion-distraction manipulation technique to a strengthening and conditioning program in patients with chronic low back pain.
This study utilized two groups of patients. One group received flexion-distraction manipulation of the spine and the other group received an exercise program designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine and increase flexibility. The study revealed that flexion-distraction provides significantly greater pain relief and overall patient satisfaction (79.6%) compared to the exercise program (65.1%), particularly in patients with low back pain and nerve pain radiating into their legs. The authors noted that even though patient satisfaction and pain relief was significantly greater in the flexion-distraction manipulation group compared to the exercise group, both groups responded equally well in terms of return to function.
At this office, we utilize the flexion-distraction manipulation technique that this study investigated for chronic low back pain. We also incorporate flexibility and strengthening exercise for the core or lumbopelvic region to promote better and further recovery with long lasting results.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at and if you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment with us, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
This study utilized two groups of patients. One group received flexion-distraction manipulation of the spine and the other group received an exercise program designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine and increase flexibility. The study revealed that flexion-distraction provides significantly greater pain relief and overall patient satisfaction (79.6%) compared to the exercise program (65.1%), particularly in patients with low back pain and nerve pain radiating into their legs. The authors noted that even though patient satisfaction and pain relief was significantly greater in the flexion-distraction manipulation group compared to the exercise group, both groups responded equally well in terms of return to function.
At this office, we utilize the flexion-distraction manipulation technique that this study investigated for chronic low back pain. We also incorporate flexibility and strengthening exercise for the core or lumbopelvic region to promote better and further recovery with long lasting results.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at and if you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment with us, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Does Stiffness Come From Arthritis of Something Else?
Patients tell me that stiffness or soreness in their neck or back is arthritis or degenerative joint disease because an x-ray was performed and they are doomed to suffer forever. Often times, these patients think or have been told the only way to find relief is with an anti-inflammatory medicine.
People that thought or were told they had arthritis have found relief with chiropractic treatment. The reason is that the "arthritis" was not the problem at all or was only part of the problem. You see, rarely can a doctor look at an x-ray and identify that arthritis is "the problem." There are thousands of people, young or old, that have arthritis or degenerative joint disease on an x-ray and have no pain or functional deficit.
How could this occur? It is as simple as an imbalance in the spinal joints and muscles that create the stiffness or pain that is often mistaken for arthritis. Sometimes people do not notice these imbalances right away. However, after "a few thousand miles" one will start to feel symptoms and know that something is wrong. Usually, a course of chiropractic treatment coupled with core exercises are of great help. Studies have shown that long term use of anti-inflammatory medicines can cause problems with the stomach, liver, and kidneys. The message: fix your spinal problem with rehabilitation rather than continuing down the long term medicine path.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at and if you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
People that thought or were told they had arthritis have found relief with chiropractic treatment. The reason is that the "arthritis" was not the problem at all or was only part of the problem. You see, rarely can a doctor look at an x-ray and identify that arthritis is "the problem." There are thousands of people, young or old, that have arthritis or degenerative joint disease on an x-ray and have no pain or functional deficit.
How could this occur? It is as simple as an imbalance in the spinal joints and muscles that create the stiffness or pain that is often mistaken for arthritis. Sometimes people do not notice these imbalances right away. However, after "a few thousand miles" one will start to feel symptoms and know that something is wrong. Usually, a course of chiropractic treatment coupled with core exercises are of great help. Studies have shown that long term use of anti-inflammatory medicines can cause problems with the stomach, liver, and kidneys. The message: fix your spinal problem with rehabilitation rather than continuing down the long term medicine path.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at and if you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Avoiding the Hazards of Winter: Snow, Ice Need Not Be a Problem for the Back
Severe Weather Causes Many Injuries
When snow, ice, and frigid winds blow into your town, chiropractors notice a marked increase in strains, sprains, and back injuries. Shoveling snow the wrong way, slipping on icy sidewalks, clambering awkwardly over snow banks, even wearing the wrong kind of clothing can prove hazardous to your health as hundreds of thousands of Americans learn, to their regret, each year. "Couch potatoes" are hit especially hard.
The Risks of Braving the Elements
Combining ice, snow, and freezing cold with long-unused muscles can lead to disastrous results. The physical exertion in shoveling snow without a proper buildup often results in injuries. Hitting an icy spot when dashing off to the mailbox or carrying out the trash can cause a serious tumble. And it's not just the fall that is problematic. The quick jarring motion as you try to catch yourself can strain muscles as much as the actual falling.
Bending and twisting when tossing a shovel of heavy snow can aggravate or injure a lower back, especially if there is a pre-existing disc injury. Simply walking outside in freezing weather without layers of warm clothing can intensify older joint problems and cause a great deal of problems. In addition, as muscles and blood vessels contract to conserve the body's heat, the blood supply to the extremities is reduced. This lowers the functional capacity of many muscles, particularly among the physically unfit.
Problems Respond Well To Chiropractic Care
Sprains and strains affecting your ability to function, such as being unable to bend over to tie your shoes or having difficulty getting out of the chair require prompt attention.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
When snow, ice, and frigid winds blow into your town, chiropractors notice a marked increase in strains, sprains, and back injuries. Shoveling snow the wrong way, slipping on icy sidewalks, clambering awkwardly over snow banks, even wearing the wrong kind of clothing can prove hazardous to your health as hundreds of thousands of Americans learn, to their regret, each year. "Couch potatoes" are hit especially hard.
The Risks of Braving the Elements
Combining ice, snow, and freezing cold with long-unused muscles can lead to disastrous results. The physical exertion in shoveling snow without a proper buildup often results in injuries. Hitting an icy spot when dashing off to the mailbox or carrying out the trash can cause a serious tumble. And it's not just the fall that is problematic. The quick jarring motion as you try to catch yourself can strain muscles as much as the actual falling.
Bending and twisting when tossing a shovel of heavy snow can aggravate or injure a lower back, especially if there is a pre-existing disc injury. Simply walking outside in freezing weather without layers of warm clothing can intensify older joint problems and cause a great deal of problems. In addition, as muscles and blood vessels contract to conserve the body's heat, the blood supply to the extremities is reduced. This lowers the functional capacity of many muscles, particularly among the physically unfit.
Problems Respond Well To Chiropractic Care
Sprains and strains affecting your ability to function, such as being unable to bend over to tie your shoes or having difficulty getting out of the chair require prompt attention.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Chiropractic - Why it Works with Fatigue and Stress
Fatigue and Stress have obvious effects on our daily lives. When trying to balance work, children, and home demands, the most common complaints are tension, irritability, and headaches. With an increase in adrenaline, the back and neck often develop misalignments (or subluxations) and commonly result in "back problems." A common misconception is that the "muscle tension" is the primary problem. Actually, "muscle tension" is a symptom of a more serious problem which is the subluxation. Chiropractic techniques treat the subluxation which consequently treats the symptoms of back and neck pain and headaches.
Sometimes the connection between the pain and its cause is obvious because you have been hunched over a desk all day trying to meet a deadline. But other times the emotional connection to back pain is more subtle. Unfortunately, this can lead to a vicious cycle wherein fatigue and stress can cause a backache, and, in turn, the pain causes additional fatigue.
Think of the body as a finely tuned machine. When all the moving parts fit together perfectly the machine runs smoothly at its optimal potential even when going up hill or pulling a heavy load. If even one of the moving parts becomes misaligned the machine cannot run so smoothly. Friction may occur and affect the other moving parts. Even the lightest load or going down hill can be a struggle. The machine cannot function at its optimal potential.
Does your "machine" suffer from stress and fatigue and not function at its optimal potential? If so, you may benefit from chiropractic treatment.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment with our office, please feel free to call us at (719) 574-3700.
Sometimes the connection between the pain and its cause is obvious because you have been hunched over a desk all day trying to meet a deadline. But other times the emotional connection to back pain is more subtle. Unfortunately, this can lead to a vicious cycle wherein fatigue and stress can cause a backache, and, in turn, the pain causes additional fatigue.
Think of the body as a finely tuned machine. When all the moving parts fit together perfectly the machine runs smoothly at its optimal potential even when going up hill or pulling a heavy load. If even one of the moving parts becomes misaligned the machine cannot run so smoothly. Friction may occur and affect the other moving parts. Even the lightest load or going down hill can be a struggle. The machine cannot function at its optimal potential.
Does your "machine" suffer from stress and fatigue and not function at its optimal potential? If so, you may benefit from chiropractic treatment.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment with our office, please feel free to call us at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Sciatica Treatment Proves Ineffective
Bed rest has been the primary treatment for sciatica for most of the 20th century. Sciatica is a severe pain in the leg caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve at the lower back. Physicians have traditionally sent patients with symptomatic herniated discs to bed for days, weeks, and even months on the premise that bed rest speeds recovery. However, this advice appears to be erroneous, according to the first methodologically rigorous randomized trial of rest for sciatica (Vroomen et al., 1999).
In the new study, patients who remained cautiously active had exactly the same outcomes as those who spent two weeks in bed. There were no differences between the two groups in terms of pain, neurologic status, functional status, or lost work time.
Patients should no longer be told that it must be strict bed rest. Some prescribed that walking would be desirable to punctuate any rest and avoid deconditioning.
This study essentially confirms what chiropractors have been recommending for years. Regardless of whether a disc is involved with an individual's low back pain or sciatica, early return to activity is a key to recovery.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment with us, you can reach us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
In the new study, patients who remained cautiously active had exactly the same outcomes as those who spent two weeks in bed. There were no differences between the two groups in terms of pain, neurologic status, functional status, or lost work time.
Patients should no longer be told that it must be strict bed rest. Some prescribed that walking would be desirable to punctuate any rest and avoid deconditioning.
This study essentially confirms what chiropractors have been recommending for years. Regardless of whether a disc is involved with an individual's low back pain or sciatica, early return to activity is a key to recovery.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment with us, you can reach us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, October 24, 2016
The Pelvis and Short Leg Syndrome...
Your spine sits on top of your pelvis, which acts as the foundation of your body. When the foundation tilts, there will be problems in the spine above. One of the most common problems we see in our patients is a short leg that affects the spine by tilting the pelvic foundation. The short leg can be anatomic, caused by a severe fracture or polio, but this type is uncommon. Most "short" legs are actually caused by a problem in the sacro-iliac (SI) joints.
The SI joints connect the sacrum (tailbone) with the two iliac bones (pelvic bones).
The SI joints couple the downward pressure of the spine with the upward pressure of the spine when the legs are lifted upward. To overcome the forces involved in this job, these joints are not constructed like other joints in the body. Their inner surfaces are not smooth and designed for sliding, like a knee. Instead, the joints are rough with interlocking nubbins and partially covered by a tacky, felt-like fibrous cartilage.
SI Joint Injuries:
When an SI joint is injured, the supporting ligaments are overstretched, allowing the iliac bones to rock out of position in relation to the sacrum. The nubbins within the SI joint then lock it into an abnormal position.
We call this "rocking and locking" of a joint out of its normal position a subluxation. Subluxation of an SI joint lifts the hip socket and leg upwards on the side of the injured SI joint. This creates what some call a "functional" short leg. This means the pelvis is no longer level because it tilts downward on the short leg side.
How the Spine Compensates:
Our bodies do not respond to a tilted pelvis the same way the Tower of Pisa responds to its tilted foundation. Spines are not rigid like the tower. Instead of tilting to one side, our spines slowly build a series of curvatures to compensate for the pelvic foundation's tilt.
These curvatures, called scoliosis with significant compensation, require a constant contraction of the muscles along the outside of each curve to prevent its collapse. This long-term constant contraction of the supporting muscles causes them to become unhealthy.
Normal muscle health demands both contraction and relaxation to provide a constant flow of blood. The blood delivers oxygen and sugar and then carries away lactic acid and other wastes. Constant contraction chokes off this healthy blood flow and leaves the muscles poisoned with lactic acid. Eventually, they become tired, weak, and subject to spasm.
When we examine a new patient, we check the leg lengths to see if the pelvis is level. We then go on to check for constant muscular contraction near the spine. When a patient is lying down, healthy muscles relax almost immediately. Unhealthy muscles do not relax and therefore feel like ropes, or even cables, to our fingers.
Because we often ignore many of these SI joint problems, 25% of Americans now suffer debilitating back pain. If you have continuing problems (weakness, pain, spasm) anywhere in your spine, it is likely that your pelvic foundation is the cause.
How Can I Know?
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
The SI joints connect the sacrum (tailbone) with the two iliac bones (pelvic bones).
The SI joints couple the downward pressure of the spine with the upward pressure of the spine when the legs are lifted upward. To overcome the forces involved in this job, these joints are not constructed like other joints in the body. Their inner surfaces are not smooth and designed for sliding, like a knee. Instead, the joints are rough with interlocking nubbins and partially covered by a tacky, felt-like fibrous cartilage.
SI Joint Injuries:
When an SI joint is injured, the supporting ligaments are overstretched, allowing the iliac bones to rock out of position in relation to the sacrum. The nubbins within the SI joint then lock it into an abnormal position.
We call this "rocking and locking" of a joint out of its normal position a subluxation. Subluxation of an SI joint lifts the hip socket and leg upwards on the side of the injured SI joint. This creates what some call a "functional" short leg. This means the pelvis is no longer level because it tilts downward on the short leg side.
How the Spine Compensates:
Our bodies do not respond to a tilted pelvis the same way the Tower of Pisa responds to its tilted foundation. Spines are not rigid like the tower. Instead of tilting to one side, our spines slowly build a series of curvatures to compensate for the pelvic foundation's tilt.
These curvatures, called scoliosis with significant compensation, require a constant contraction of the muscles along the outside of each curve to prevent its collapse. This long-term constant contraction of the supporting muscles causes them to become unhealthy.
Normal muscle health demands both contraction and relaxation to provide a constant flow of blood. The blood delivers oxygen and sugar and then carries away lactic acid and other wastes. Constant contraction chokes off this healthy blood flow and leaves the muscles poisoned with lactic acid. Eventually, they become tired, weak, and subject to spasm.
When we examine a new patient, we check the leg lengths to see if the pelvis is level. We then go on to check for constant muscular contraction near the spine. When a patient is lying down, healthy muscles relax almost immediately. Unhealthy muscles do not relax and therefore feel like ropes, or even cables, to our fingers.
Because we often ignore many of these SI joint problems, 25% of Americans now suffer debilitating back pain. If you have continuing problems (weakness, pain, spasm) anywhere in your spine, it is likely that your pelvic foundation is the cause.
How Can I Know?
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, October 10, 2016
What to Do for Back Problems...
Sooner or later, an amazing 8 of every 10 people in the United States will suffer with back problems at one point in their life.
What the Experts Recommend:
The U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research appointed a panel of medical experts who reviewed some 3,900 studies on care for acute low back problems. The panel rejected bed rest, surgery (except in rare cases), injections into the back, and all oral prescription drugs (such as antidepressants or steroids). In contrast, they found that spinal manipulation, which is usually performed by a chiropractor, "can be helpful for patients with low back problems."
There are fewer studies on long term chronic back problems than for short-term acute back problems. Still, a recent study in the respected medical journal, Spine, found chiropractic care beneficial for ongoing chronic back problems. The traditional approach for patients with chronic back problems has been "back school" to teach patients how to cope and live with the condition. Chiropractic care was compared to back school in this study and the chiropractic group performed significantly better. The researchers concluded, "Spinal manipulation is clinically useful in chronic patients who have been suffering for seven weeks or more."
So many scientific and government studies have proven the effectiveness of chiropractic care for back problems. In 1993, the government of Ontario, in a 216 page study of all available evidence, found chiropractic care of low back problems superior to medical management in terms of safety, evidence of effectiveness, evidence of cost effectiveness, and in patient satisfaction.
How Can I Know?
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Sooner or later, an amazing 8 of every 10 people in the United States will suffer with back problems at one point in their life.
What the Experts Recommend:
The U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research appointed a panel of medical experts who reviewed some 3,900 studies on care for acute low back problems. The panel rejected bed rest, surgery (except in rare cases), injections into the back, and all oral prescription drugs (such as antidepressants or steroids). In contrast, they found that spinal manipulation, which is usually performed by a chiropractor, "can be helpful for patients with low back problems."
There are fewer studies on long term chronic back problems than for short-term acute back problems. Still, a recent study in the respected medical journal, Spine, found chiropractic care beneficial for ongoing chronic back problems. The traditional approach for patients with chronic back problems has been "back school" to teach patients how to cope and live with the condition. Chiropractic care was compared to back school in this study and the chiropractic group performed significantly better. The researchers concluded, "Spinal manipulation is clinically useful in chronic patients who have been suffering for seven weeks or more."
So many scientific and government studies have proven the effectiveness of chiropractic care for back problems. In 1993, the government of Ontario, in a 216 page study of all available evidence, found chiropractic care of low back problems superior to medical management in terms of safety, evidence of effectiveness, evidence of cost effectiveness, and in patient satisfaction.
How Can I Know?
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, September 26, 2016
What is Whiplash and Why Do I Have Neck Pain?
Recently, I was at a trauma-oriented conference and the speaker presented a research paper from The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; published research entitled Whiplash Injuries: Their Long-Term Prognosis.
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a powerful force. It hurls your head backwards and forwards, or to the side, resulting in an injury to the neck. A car accident, sports injury, or simply a push from behind all can cause a whiplash injury. Symptoms of a whiplash injury don't always appear right away - sometimes it takes a few weeks before symptoms (stiff necks, headaches, tingling in the arms or legs) appear.
The symptoms of whiplash often seen are: headaches, neck pain and stiffness, dizziness, and tingling sensations into the arms and shoulders. Often whiplash victims cannot bend their heads to the side or forward and backward as well as they should.
In this study the author reviewed 43 patients who had sustained soft-tissue injuries to the neck, as a result of a rear-end collision, after a time of 10 years. Of these 21 males and 22 females, only 12% recovered completely while residual symptoms were present in 28% and severe in 12%. The males' average age was 53 while the females' average was 44. 88% of these individuals never recover from their injuries. Pain in the neck and lower back were the most common complaint and the older the patient, the worse the prognosis.
Chiropractors can provide a complete examination, x-rays, and incorporate any necessary physical therapies with the chiropractic adjustments and exercise that have helped millions of people over the years.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a powerful force. It hurls your head backwards and forwards, or to the side, resulting in an injury to the neck. A car accident, sports injury, or simply a push from behind all can cause a whiplash injury. Symptoms of a whiplash injury don't always appear right away - sometimes it takes a few weeks before symptoms (stiff necks, headaches, tingling in the arms or legs) appear.
The symptoms of whiplash often seen are: headaches, neck pain and stiffness, dizziness, and tingling sensations into the arms and shoulders. Often whiplash victims cannot bend their heads to the side or forward and backward as well as they should.
In this study the author reviewed 43 patients who had sustained soft-tissue injuries to the neck, as a result of a rear-end collision, after a time of 10 years. Of these 21 males and 22 females, only 12% recovered completely while residual symptoms were present in 28% and severe in 12%. The males' average age was 53 while the females' average was 44. 88% of these individuals never recover from their injuries. Pain in the neck and lower back were the most common complaint and the older the patient, the worse the prognosis.
Chiropractors can provide a complete examination, x-rays, and incorporate any necessary physical therapies with the chiropractic adjustments and exercise that have helped millions of people over the years.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Lower Back Disc Herniations
Treatment with spinal manipulation of lower back conditions can be extremely effective, both for new problems and older ones. One type of lower back condition is a herniated disc. The disc is a gelatinous type of material that lies between the vertebra and is contained by a ligament known as the annulus. When the annulus tears, it allows the disc material to move out of its normal position or space, creating symptoms. Sometimes herniated discs are also referred to as slipped, bulging, protruded, or extruded. Unfortunately, these terms seem to be used interchangeably by patients and healthcare providers, thereby creating some confusion.
A recent article in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics entitled Safety of Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniations: a Systematic Review and Risk Assessment provided a qualitative systematic review of the risk factors in treating lumbar disc herniations with spinal manipulation in contrast to other forms of treatment such as anti-inflammatory drugs or surgery.
The article found that only 1 in 3.7 million lumbar herniated discs actually worsened with spinal manipulation and concluded, when comparing risk factors of other commonly used treatments, that the use of spinal manipulation should be used more frequently in the management of lumbar herniated discs.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
A recent article in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics entitled Safety of Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniations: a Systematic Review and Risk Assessment provided a qualitative systematic review of the risk factors in treating lumbar disc herniations with spinal manipulation in contrast to other forms of treatment such as anti-inflammatory drugs or surgery.
The article found that only 1 in 3.7 million lumbar herniated discs actually worsened with spinal manipulation and concluded, when comparing risk factors of other commonly used treatments, that the use of spinal manipulation should be used more frequently in the management of lumbar herniated discs.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Monday, September 12, 2016
When Painkillers Cause Pain
According to the journal Neurology, daily or near-daily use of analgesics is associated with chronic (long term) headaches, especially chronic migraine headaches, and neck pain and lower back pain. In this study of 65,000 individuals analgesics (painkillers) were defined as over-the-counter or prescription. Use of analgesics daily or almost daily for one month or more in the previous 12 months constituted "overuse."
The study showed that individuals who took analgesics on a daily basis for 1 to 3 months were 2.9 times more likely to have chronic migraine headaches. If a migraine sufferer uses analgesics daily for more than 6 months their risk of chronic migraines increases to 20.6 times. In non-migraine headaches analgesic use on a daily basis for 1 to 3 months increased chronic headache pain 2.6 times; for 6 months, 9.5 times. Concerning chronic neck and low back pain, taking analgesics daily for 1 to 3 months doubles the likelihood of chronic pain. Using analgesics daily for more than 6 months increased the likelihood of chronic neck and low back pain 3.5 times.
The authors of this study concluded: "The high number of individuals with analgesic overuse has important clinical implications, and physicians should be aware of the potential risk of analgesic overuse among those with chronic pain, especially those with migraine." This article points out that the use of long term analgesics, the medicine our society commonly uses to relieve migraine headache, non-migraine headache, neck pain or lower back pain is increasing the likelihood of the pain it is supposedly relieving.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
The study showed that individuals who took analgesics on a daily basis for 1 to 3 months were 2.9 times more likely to have chronic migraine headaches. If a migraine sufferer uses analgesics daily for more than 6 months their risk of chronic migraines increases to 20.6 times. In non-migraine headaches analgesic use on a daily basis for 1 to 3 months increased chronic headache pain 2.6 times; for 6 months, 9.5 times. Concerning chronic neck and low back pain, taking analgesics daily for 1 to 3 months doubles the likelihood of chronic pain. Using analgesics daily for more than 6 months increased the likelihood of chronic neck and low back pain 3.5 times.
The authors of this study concluded: "The high number of individuals with analgesic overuse has important clinical implications, and physicians should be aware of the potential risk of analgesic overuse among those with chronic pain, especially those with migraine." This article points out that the use of long term analgesics, the medicine our society commonly uses to relieve migraine headache, non-migraine headache, neck pain or lower back pain is increasing the likelihood of the pain it is supposedly relieving.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Chiropractic for Chronic Spinal Pain
A randomized clinical trial published in the research journal Spine demonstrated that chiropractic manipulation is superior to needle acupuncture and "medication." The results of a follow-up study were recently released in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, showing patient improvement over one year after care was initially provided.
The 2003 study examined care for patients with more than 13 weeks of spinal pain. The results of the study found that the highest proportion of early recovery was found for manipulation, followed by acupuncture and then medication. The chiropractic manipulation group achieved the best overall results for chronic neck and low back pain. Medication did not achieve a marked improvement in chronic spinal pain and caused an adverse reaction in 6.1% of the patients.
The results of the follow-up study demonstrated that comparisons of initial and follow-up questionnaires to assess absolute efficacy showed that only the application of spinal manipulation revealed a broad-based, long-term benefit. Further statistical testing revealed that only in the manipulation group, 5 of the 7 observed improvements were significant which compares with only 1 item in the acupuncture and the medication groups. The medication group, again, did not achieve an improvement in chronic spinal pain.
Overall, patients who have chronic mechanical spine pain syndromes and received spinal manipulation gained significant, broad-based benefits, both short-term and long-term. In patients with chronic spinal pain syndromes, spinal manipulation, if not contraindicated, may be the only treatment modality of the assessed regimens that provides broad and significant long-term benefit.
Shown on our website is what we refer to as a "Gift of Health." This "Gift" allows a person consultation, examination and recommendation without charge or obligation.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
The 2003 study examined care for patients with more than 13 weeks of spinal pain. The results of the study found that the highest proportion of early recovery was found for manipulation, followed by acupuncture and then medication. The chiropractic manipulation group achieved the best overall results for chronic neck and low back pain. Medication did not achieve a marked improvement in chronic spinal pain and caused an adverse reaction in 6.1% of the patients.
The results of the follow-up study demonstrated that comparisons of initial and follow-up questionnaires to assess absolute efficacy showed that only the application of spinal manipulation revealed a broad-based, long-term benefit. Further statistical testing revealed that only in the manipulation group, 5 of the 7 observed improvements were significant which compares with only 1 item in the acupuncture and the medication groups. The medication group, again, did not achieve an improvement in chronic spinal pain.
Overall, patients who have chronic mechanical spine pain syndromes and received spinal manipulation gained significant, broad-based benefits, both short-term and long-term. In patients with chronic spinal pain syndromes, spinal manipulation, if not contraindicated, may be the only treatment modality of the assessed regimens that provides broad and significant long-term benefit.
Shown on our website is what we refer to as a "Gift of Health." This "Gift" allows a person consultation, examination and recommendation without charge or obligation.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Neck Pain
With all of the neck's complexity it should come as no surprise that neck problems are common. Inside your neck are the bones (cervical vertebra), spinal and cranial nerves, blood vessels, musculature, ligaments, and a number of other "vital occupants." With all of these structures occupying the neck, no wonder symptoms are so common. Following is a partial list of pain sources in the neck:
1) Abnormal Motion of Spinal Bones (Spinal Kinesiopathology): Physical trauma such as improper lifting, car accidents, repetitive motions, and poor sleeping habits can cause spinal problems.
2) Abnormal Nervous System Function (Neuropathophysiology): Improper motion of the spinal bones can rub, irritate, or pinch delicate spinal nerves. This can impair the function of the tissues and systems controlled by these nerves.
3) Abnormal Muscle Function (Myopathology): Muscles supporting the spine can weaken and atrophy, or become tight and go into spasm. Unfortunately, scar tissue and adhesions penetrate these malfunctioning muscles, changing their function, tone, and elasticity.
4) Abnormal Soft Tissue Function (Histopathology): Discs, ligaments, and other soft tissues can malfunction, too. These important soft tissues have a poor blood supply, so proper healing often requires continued care after the relief of obvious symptoms.
5) Abnormal Function of the Spine and Body (Pathophysiology): The body responds with bone spurs and spinal decay, fusing malfunctioning spinal joints. Degenerative changes can be seen in other tissues which have been deprived of normal nerve control.
Why is your chiropractor important? Your chiropractor is trained to detect these spinal problems.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
1) Abnormal Motion of Spinal Bones (Spinal Kinesiopathology): Physical trauma such as improper lifting, car accidents, repetitive motions, and poor sleeping habits can cause spinal problems.
2) Abnormal Nervous System Function (Neuropathophysiology): Improper motion of the spinal bones can rub, irritate, or pinch delicate spinal nerves. This can impair the function of the tissues and systems controlled by these nerves.
3) Abnormal Muscle Function (Myopathology): Muscles supporting the spine can weaken and atrophy, or become tight and go into spasm. Unfortunately, scar tissue and adhesions penetrate these malfunctioning muscles, changing their function, tone, and elasticity.
4) Abnormal Soft Tissue Function (Histopathology): Discs, ligaments, and other soft tissues can malfunction, too. These important soft tissues have a poor blood supply, so proper healing often requires continued care after the relief of obvious symptoms.
5) Abnormal Function of the Spine and Body (Pathophysiology): The body responds with bone spurs and spinal decay, fusing malfunctioning spinal joints. Degenerative changes can be seen in other tissues which have been deprived of normal nerve control.
Why is your chiropractor important? Your chiropractor is trained to detect these spinal problems.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Thatcher Chiropractic
accident injuries send more than 4 million people to hospital emergency
departments every year. A car accident is accompanied with a number of
issues. Besides looking for who is to be accused, the victims have to
answer the queries of the police or the insurance company. Your car may
be damaged or you may have sustained physical injuries that can occur
during the course of an accident. Common injuries during car accidents
include head, neck, or low back injuries. Among all the injuries,
whiplash is considered as the most common one. Unfortunately, many
people do not give much importance to it. James Thatcher, D.C., a
chiropractor in Colorado Springs, Colorado realizes the seriousness of
whiplash and strongly believes it requires immediate, proper attention.
Whiplash implies injury of the soft tissues which are formed of
tendons, ligaments, and muscles. You may experience pain in the neck and
problems in moving the neck and head as a result of a whiplash injury.
Dr. Thatcher, a licensed chiropractor for over 20 years, uses physical therapy modalities, exercise, stretches, activity of daily living or work restrictions, manipulation or adjustments, massage therapy and dry needle therapy. Dr. Thatcher is skilled in treating car accident victims, relieving pain resulting from whiplash and other injuries and providing care for pinched nerves. Chiropractic treatments are often in coordination with local medical doctors or therapists to provide neck pain and back pain relief.
Another serious and common injury during a car accident is back injury and sciatica. You may hurt your intervertebral discs, or low back discs in a car accident. In the worst case scenario, such injuries, especially without treatment, may lead to permanent disability.
Chiropractors in Colorado Springs, Colorado urge their patients to be vigilant while driving. Concentrate on the road, and do not indulge in distractions like cell phones or laptops as they often lead to accidents.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Dr. Thatcher, a licensed chiropractor for over 20 years, uses physical therapy modalities, exercise, stretches, activity of daily living or work restrictions, manipulation or adjustments, massage therapy and dry needle therapy. Dr. Thatcher is skilled in treating car accident victims, relieving pain resulting from whiplash and other injuries and providing care for pinched nerves. Chiropractic treatments are often in coordination with local medical doctors or therapists to provide neck pain and back pain relief.
Another serious and common injury during a car accident is back injury and sciatica. You may hurt your intervertebral discs, or low back discs in a car accident. In the worst case scenario, such injuries, especially without treatment, may lead to permanent disability.
Chiropractors in Colorado Springs, Colorado urge their patients to be vigilant while driving. Concentrate on the road, and do not indulge in distractions like cell phones or laptops as they often lead to accidents.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
"What type of practice do you have?"
"What type of practice do you have?" "We were pleased with the care we
received, and found your office very convenient." "We may want to
refer other patients to you." "What other conditions do chiropractors
These are questions and comments I hear often from friends and patients. Many people are not familiar with the wide variety of health concerns that chiropractic can manage. Most of my work is generated through referrals from satisfied patients, so I wanted to be sure that you know what kinds of problems we treat.
Although chiropractors are able to effectively treat many ailments, my practice emphasizes low back pain, headaches, sports injuries, auto and work accident related injuries. The following list is a sample of the more common complaints that I see in my practice.
Neck Area: Mid-Back Area: Low Back Area:
Auto accident injuries Pain between the shoulders Low Back Pain
Whiplash Pain down the arms Disc Problems
Suboccipital Headaches Hand numbness / Tingling Hip Pain
Migraine Headaches Shoulder Pain Leg Pain
Dizziness Sports Injuries Leg numbness/tingling
Carpal tunnel Arthritis
The conditions listed above are only a small sample of the problems that may be treated at this chiropractic office. If you have another, more specific condition in mind, call this office.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
These are questions and comments I hear often from friends and patients. Many people are not familiar with the wide variety of health concerns that chiropractic can manage. Most of my work is generated through referrals from satisfied patients, so I wanted to be sure that you know what kinds of problems we treat.
Although chiropractors are able to effectively treat many ailments, my practice emphasizes low back pain, headaches, sports injuries, auto and work accident related injuries. The following list is a sample of the more common complaints that I see in my practice.
Neck Area: Mid-Back Area: Low Back Area:
Auto accident injuries Pain between the shoulders Low Back Pain
Whiplash Pain down the arms Disc Problems
Suboccipital Headaches Hand numbness / Tingling Hip Pain
Migraine Headaches Shoulder Pain Leg Pain
Dizziness Sports Injuries Leg numbness/tingling
Carpal tunnel Arthritis
The conditions listed above are only a small sample of the problems that may be treated at this chiropractic office. If you have another, more specific condition in mind, call this office.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
Chiropractic Therapy More Effective than Physiotherapy or Drugs for Neck Pain
Neck problems account for considerable pain and stiffness that can lead
to secondary health conditions, work absenteeism and disability. A
study (randomized controlled trial) in the British Medical Journal
examined and compared the effectiveness of three treatments: manual
therapy (muscle / joint mobilization, coordination or stabilization),
physiotherapy (mainly exercise) and general practitioner care
(counseling, education and "analgesic" medication).
In comparing 183 patients with neck pain of at least 2 weeks duration, manual therapy was the most effective of the three treatments. After 7 weeks of treatment, the manual therapy group recovery rate was 68% as compared to 51% in the physiotherapy group and 36% in the general practitioner group. These differences were significant at 6 month follow-up.
Manual therapy proved significantly more cost effective than the other two interventions at one year, with total costs approximately one third the cost of physiotherapy or general practitioner care.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
In comparing 183 patients with neck pain of at least 2 weeks duration, manual therapy was the most effective of the three treatments. After 7 weeks of treatment, the manual therapy group recovery rate was 68% as compared to 51% in the physiotherapy group and 36% in the general practitioner group. These differences were significant at 6 month follow-up.
Manual therapy proved significantly more cost effective than the other two interventions at one year, with total costs approximately one third the cost of physiotherapy or general practitioner care.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Does Injury to a Joint Lead to Osteoarthritis?
Annals of Internal Medicine
recently published an article documenting that adolescents and young
adults with traumatic injury are at substantial risk for developing
osteoarthritis and its sequel (pain, stiffness, soreness, lack of mobility)
in later years. For many of you, when it comes to your spine, I am
sure that you could readily identify a certain problematic area that is a
site of old injury.
Previous research suggests that trauma that compromises the joint structures contributes to the development of osteoarthritis. However, few studies have specifically examined the association between injuries in young adults and subsequent risk for this debilitating condition.
Investigators recorded prior and current injury status in 1,321 medical students with an average age of 22 years. Subsequent trauma and specific arthritis sites were assessed using annual self-administered questionnaires. After an average follow-up period of 36 years, it was determined that prior joint injury significantly increased the risk for later-life osteoarthritis at the specific injury site.
Based on the results of this study and my own experience, I must continue to emphasize the need to consistently exercise these injury sites and / or to receive manipulation or adjustments as it has been individually recommended. The goal is long term health of your joints!
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Previous research suggests that trauma that compromises the joint structures contributes to the development of osteoarthritis. However, few studies have specifically examined the association between injuries in young adults and subsequent risk for this debilitating condition.
Investigators recorded prior and current injury status in 1,321 medical students with an average age of 22 years. Subsequent trauma and specific arthritis sites were assessed using annual self-administered questionnaires. After an average follow-up period of 36 years, it was determined that prior joint injury significantly increased the risk for later-life osteoarthritis at the specific injury site.
Based on the results of this study and my own experience, I must continue to emphasize the need to consistently exercise these injury sites and / or to receive manipulation or adjustments as it has been individually recommended. The goal is long term health of your joints!
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
How Best to Treat Neck Pain
Neck pain can arise as a chronic problem or from an injury such as a car accident. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics
examined the effectiveness of manipulation by a chiropractor versus
mobilization by a therapist for neck pain and decreased range of motion.
Seventy patients with neck pain participated in this study. Some received mobilization by a therapist and others received a manipulation by a chiropractor. The investigators concluded that a single manipulation by a chiropractor was more effective in reducing neck pain and increasing range of motion than receiving mobilization by a therapist.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Seventy patients with neck pain participated in this study. Some received mobilization by a therapist and others received a manipulation by a chiropractor. The investigators concluded that a single manipulation by a chiropractor was more effective in reducing neck pain and increasing range of motion than receiving mobilization by a therapist.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
We Can Help Your Back Even If There Was No "Injury"
Maybe you've taken your back for granted. That is, until your back
stops working the way it should. Many people believe that doctors or
treatment can be of little help for their back unless there has been a
notable injury event. When back symptoms arise, in the absence of an
"event" your chiropractor can often be the best doctor to see. Not only
is there often help for the back problem, but also an education of how
your back works and what you can do to prevent back problems.
Your ability to stand upright, move, bend, and twist comes from the integrated performance of your nerves, muscles, ligaments and bones. Bones and ligaments provide structural support. Muscles provide elasticity and movement. Your nerves conduct electrical current to sustain muscle tone.
Your spine's function depends on its mobility. Its every movement relies upon the coordinated action of your muscles - one group contracting powerfully while the opposing group relaxes. Muscle tone and balance are vital to your spinal health. Should one muscle group be unable to perform due to restricted joint movement, other muscle groups try to compensate. Spinal adjustments can improve your muscle balance to create a natural flow of motion.
If imbalances are left untreated, soft tissue can be stressed beyond its limits causing anything from muscle spasm, sprain, strain, and pain to disabling back problems. The goal of chiropractic, in the absence of an injury event, is to enhance the integration of your musculoskeletal system and provide preventative / supportive advice.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Your ability to stand upright, move, bend, and twist comes from the integrated performance of your nerves, muscles, ligaments and bones. Bones and ligaments provide structural support. Muscles provide elasticity and movement. Your nerves conduct electrical current to sustain muscle tone.
Your spine's function depends on its mobility. Its every movement relies upon the coordinated action of your muscles - one group contracting powerfully while the opposing group relaxes. Muscle tone and balance are vital to your spinal health. Should one muscle group be unable to perform due to restricted joint movement, other muscle groups try to compensate. Spinal adjustments can improve your muscle balance to create a natural flow of motion.
If imbalances are left untreated, soft tissue can be stressed beyond its limits causing anything from muscle spasm, sprain, strain, and pain to disabling back problems. The goal of chiropractic, in the absence of an injury event, is to enhance the integration of your musculoskeletal system and provide preventative / supportive advice.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Neck Pain Treatment
The Journal of Rheumatology
published a study entitled "Conservative Management of Mechanical Neck
Disorders: A Systematic Review." In this study, the authors reviewed
88 high quality research studies to investigate conservative
(non-surgical) treatment of musculoskeletal conditions of the neck.
The treatment types studied included manual therapies, physical medicine methods, medication and patient education. The authors evaluated these treatment methods in terms of relieved pain, improved function/disability, patient satisfaction, and global perceived effect in adults with new and old musculoskeletal neck conditions.
The study showed strong evidence of benefit for maintained pain reduction, improved function and positive global perceived effect favoring exercise plus manipulation for new and old musculoskeletal neck conditions. There was only moderate evidence of long term benefit for exercise therapy alone. Many of the other treatments studied (such as anti-inflammation medication, traction, ultrasound, acupuncture, massage) demonstrated only short term effects. Interestingly, this study noted moderate evidence of no benefit from Bo-Tox injections.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
The treatment types studied included manual therapies, physical medicine methods, medication and patient education. The authors evaluated these treatment methods in terms of relieved pain, improved function/disability, patient satisfaction, and global perceived effect in adults with new and old musculoskeletal neck conditions.
The study showed strong evidence of benefit for maintained pain reduction, improved function and positive global perceived effect favoring exercise plus manipulation for new and old musculoskeletal neck conditions. There was only moderate evidence of long term benefit for exercise therapy alone. Many of the other treatments studied (such as anti-inflammation medication, traction, ultrasound, acupuncture, massage) demonstrated only short term effects. Interestingly, this study noted moderate evidence of no benefit from Bo-Tox injections.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Have A Splitting Headache? Don't Let It Get You Down
The Problem
If you have a headache, you're not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea.
Headaches have many causes. About 5 percent of all headaches are warning signals caused by physical problems. About 95 percent of headaches are primary headaches, such as tension, migraine, or cluster headaches. These types of headaches are not caused by disease - the headache itself is the primary concern.
Today, Americans engage in more sedentary activities than they used to and more hours are spent in one fixed position or posture. This can increase muscle tension in the neck, upper back and scalp, causing your head to ache. With this information in mind, it is no wonder the greatest majority of primary headaches are associated with altered function of the neck.
What Can a Chiropractor Do?
Chiropractors undergo extensive training to help their patients in many ways - not just with back pain. Chiropractors are trained to determine how tension in the spine relates to other parts of the body, and they can take steps to relieve some of those problems. At our office, we offer dry needle therapy, acupuncture, spinal manipulation and exercises to loosen the neck and alleviate the stress on your system.
What the Research Says...
Plenty of research exists that demonstrates the effectiveness of chiropractic for headaches. A study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that "spinal manipulation is an effective treatment for tension headaches" and those who underwent treatment experienced a "sustained therapeutic benefit" in contrast with other patients who received different forms of treatment.
How We Can Help!
For more information on how Dr. Thatcher can help you, visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment with us, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700. Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917.
If you have a headache, you're not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea.
Headaches have many causes. About 5 percent of all headaches are warning signals caused by physical problems. About 95 percent of headaches are primary headaches, such as tension, migraine, or cluster headaches. These types of headaches are not caused by disease - the headache itself is the primary concern.
Today, Americans engage in more sedentary activities than they used to and more hours are spent in one fixed position or posture. This can increase muscle tension in the neck, upper back and scalp, causing your head to ache. With this information in mind, it is no wonder the greatest majority of primary headaches are associated with altered function of the neck.
What Can a Chiropractor Do?
Chiropractors undergo extensive training to help their patients in many ways - not just with back pain. Chiropractors are trained to determine how tension in the spine relates to other parts of the body, and they can take steps to relieve some of those problems. At our office, we offer dry needle therapy, acupuncture, spinal manipulation and exercises to loosen the neck and alleviate the stress on your system.
What the Research Says...
Plenty of research exists that demonstrates the effectiveness of chiropractic for headaches. A study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that "spinal manipulation is an effective treatment for tension headaches" and those who underwent treatment experienced a "sustained therapeutic benefit" in contrast with other patients who received different forms of treatment.
How We Can Help!
For more information on how Dr. Thatcher can help you, visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment with us, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700. Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917.
Migraine Headaches
The exact causes of migraine headaches are unknown, although they are
related to changes in the brain as well as to genetic causes.
Scientists believed that migraines were linked to expanding and
constricting blood vessels on the brain's surface; however, it is now
believed that migraines are caused by inherited abnormalities in certain
areas of the brain. There is a migraine "pain center" or generator in
the brain. A migraine begins when hyperactive nerve cells send out
impulses to the blood vessels causing them to constrict followed by
dilation and the release of inflammatory substances that cause painful
Migraines can be triggered by many factors such as: musculoskeletal neck conditions / injuries, emotional stress, sensitivity to specific chemicals or preservatives in foods, caffeine, changing weather conditions, menstrual periods, skipping meals and changes in sleep patterns. Migraines have a strong hereditary tendency. Four out of five migraine sufferers have a family history. If one parent has a history of migraines, the child has a 50% chance of developing migraines and if both parents have migraines, the risk increases to 75%.
The symptoms of migraine headaches can occur in various combinations and include: a pounding or throbbing headache that often begins as a dull ache and develops into a throbbing pain. The pain is usually aggravated with physical activity. The pain can shift from one side of the head to the other, or it can affect the front of the head or feel like it's affecting the whole head. Symptoms may also include sensitivity to light, noise and odors, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, paleness, fatigue, dizziness or blurred vision.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Migraines can be triggered by many factors such as: musculoskeletal neck conditions / injuries, emotional stress, sensitivity to specific chemicals or preservatives in foods, caffeine, changing weather conditions, menstrual periods, skipping meals and changes in sleep patterns. Migraines have a strong hereditary tendency. Four out of five migraine sufferers have a family history. If one parent has a history of migraines, the child has a 50% chance of developing migraines and if both parents have migraines, the risk increases to 75%.
The symptoms of migraine headaches can occur in various combinations and include: a pounding or throbbing headache that often begins as a dull ache and develops into a throbbing pain. The pain is usually aggravated with physical activity. The pain can shift from one side of the head to the other, or it can affect the front of the head or feel like it's affecting the whole head. Symptoms may also include sensitivity to light, noise and odors, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, paleness, fatigue, dizziness or blurred vision.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Chiropractic Reduces Migraine Suffering
While migraine headaches can manifest different types of symptoms and
vary greatly in severity, the impact of any migraine headache on lost
time at work or quality of life is usually significant. My experience
has led me to the conclusion that often patients that suffer migraine
headaches find great help in coupling chiropractic and medication.
The prestigious Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics published a study utilizing chiropractic manipulative treatment (adjustments) for migraine headaches. The study divided participants, migraine headache sufferers that used prescription medication, into two groups. One group (the control) continued to use their medication and the second group, that also continued to use medication, also received chiropractic treatment over the course of the 2-month study.
The first part of the study compared the control group to the chiropractic treatment group over 8 weeks of treatment. The chiropractic treatment group had a reduction in the number of migraine headaches per month from 7.1 to 4.1 while the control group's migraine headaches decreased from 7.3 to 6.9.
The second part of the study examined the average amount of migraine headache medication taken per month between the control group and the chiropractic treatment group. The results were astounding. The control group's medication use dropped from 20.1 to 16.2 dosages and the chiropractic treatment group's medication use went from 21.3 to 9.8 dosages.
In summary, this study revealed that chiropractic treatment not only decreased migraine headache frequency, but also accomplished the results with less medication within the same group.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
The prestigious Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics published a study utilizing chiropractic manipulative treatment (adjustments) for migraine headaches. The study divided participants, migraine headache sufferers that used prescription medication, into two groups. One group (the control) continued to use their medication and the second group, that also continued to use medication, also received chiropractic treatment over the course of the 2-month study.
The first part of the study compared the control group to the chiropractic treatment group over 8 weeks of treatment. The chiropractic treatment group had a reduction in the number of migraine headaches per month from 7.1 to 4.1 while the control group's migraine headaches decreased from 7.3 to 6.9.
The second part of the study examined the average amount of migraine headache medication taken per month between the control group and the chiropractic treatment group. The results were astounding. The control group's medication use dropped from 20.1 to 16.2 dosages and the chiropractic treatment group's medication use went from 21.3 to 9.8 dosages.
In summary, this study revealed that chiropractic treatment not only decreased migraine headache frequency, but also accomplished the results with less medication within the same group.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Active Military and Chiropractic Care
James Thatcher of Colorado Springs is an expert care giver for patients
with musculoskeletal complaints (involving the muscles, bones and
joints). These also happen to be the most frequent complaints of
soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Active-duty military and
veterans greatly appreciate their access to Dr. Thatcher’s care, which
helps them reduce their pain and increase their function without drugs.
If an active-duty military member is in a car accident, the car insurance company will likely cover the medical charges. Spouses and dependent children can also receive chiropractic care through auto coverage if hurt in an accident.
If you are active-duty military personnel and are considering chiropractic care, please contact Dr. James Thatcher at 574-3700. Dr. Thatcher has had much success treating active duty personnel and their families. We would love to serve you!
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
If an active-duty military member is in a car accident, the car insurance company will likely cover the medical charges. Spouses and dependent children can also receive chiropractic care through auto coverage if hurt in an accident.
If you are active-duty military personnel and are considering chiropractic care, please contact Dr. James Thatcher at 574-3700. Dr. Thatcher has had much success treating active duty personnel and their families. We would love to serve you!
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
How Chiropractic Care Benefits You
Neck pain and back pain are often the chief complaints from patients
seeking chiropractic help. Chiropractic care is a holistic treatment
that focuses on maintaining healthy musculoskeletal and nervous system
through manual spinal manipulation. Recent studies support the thinking
that chiropractic performed spinal manipulation, along with exercise,
relieves neck pain more effectively than medication. The Journal of
Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that integrating
health care with chiropractic care resulted in a 51.8% reduction in
pharmaceutical costs and a decrease in hospital admissions by 43%.
How to know when to see a chiropractor
Consider seeing a chiropractor if you experience consistent pain in your neck, joints, or back, including headaches. If intense pain occurs after an accident, doing household chores, or prolonged periods of poor posture, please see a chiropractor for an evaluation.
Back and Neck Pain
Dr. James Thatcher, licensed chiropractor in Colorado Springs, Colorado is trained to safely and effectively treating acute back and neck pain and headaches. Medical doctors may prescribe pain medicine, muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatory drugs. Orthopedic medical professionals may suggest surgery. Consider all your options before making a life altering decision such as medication and/or surgery. Both the patient and Dr. Thatcher will gather all necessary and pertinent information for any future decisions regarding your health.
Specifically, chiropractors are trained to bring the musculoskeletal structure into proper alignment by changing the position of your body as well as applying pressure to particular points along the spine. Such manipulation results in a popping noise similar to one created when you crack your knuckles. The noise is created by a change in pressure in joints as gas bubbles are released. When the chiropractor spine adjusts the spine by applying pressure, nerve energy is unblocked and allowed to flow better down your spine and throughout your entire body. Realignment of your spine can optimize overall health.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment with our office, please contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
How to know when to see a chiropractor
Consider seeing a chiropractor if you experience consistent pain in your neck, joints, or back, including headaches. If intense pain occurs after an accident, doing household chores, or prolonged periods of poor posture, please see a chiropractor for an evaluation.
Back and Neck Pain
Dr. James Thatcher, licensed chiropractor in Colorado Springs, Colorado is trained to safely and effectively treating acute back and neck pain and headaches. Medical doctors may prescribe pain medicine, muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatory drugs. Orthopedic medical professionals may suggest surgery. Consider all your options before making a life altering decision such as medication and/or surgery. Both the patient and Dr. Thatcher will gather all necessary and pertinent information for any future decisions regarding your health.
Specifically, chiropractors are trained to bring the musculoskeletal structure into proper alignment by changing the position of your body as well as applying pressure to particular points along the spine. Such manipulation results in a popping noise similar to one created when you crack your knuckles. The noise is created by a change in pressure in joints as gas bubbles are released. When the chiropractor spine adjusts the spine by applying pressure, nerve energy is unblocked and allowed to flow better down your spine and throughout your entire body. Realignment of your spine can optimize overall health.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment with our office, please contact us by phone at (719) 574-3700.
Holiday Tips for a Healthy Back and Spine
Chiropractic in Colorado Springs, Colorado knows that although the
holidays can be a wonderful time for many, it can also bring individual
stress. Party preparation, epic shopping trips, wrapping presents,
disrupted schedules, and emotions run high; all these factors can
contribute to spinal and back distress. If you are prone to neck and/or
back pain, here are some tips for managing spine and back problems
during the holidays.
Tips for having a healthy spine and back during the holidays:
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Tips for having a healthy spine and back during the holidays:
- Travel light: If you are traveling during the holiday, stress can quickly become physical. As you plan on what to take with you, remember that the heavier your suitcases and the more of them you carry, the greater the load you place on your back.
- Pack well: Once you have carefully chosen what you intend to pack, it is important toconsider the load balance. Try to put larger, heavier items on the bottom of the suitcase. Or if you are carrying a bag or backpack, place heavier items so that they are closest to your body. Lighter things should go toward the outside of the suitcase.
- Mind your body biomechanics (how your body moves): The law of physics states that the further away a load is from your core body, the harder you have to work to carry it, and the more stress it puts on your joints. Translation: Carry your suitcases, bags close to your body.
- Be prepared for en-route pain, discomfort or strain: Remember to pack your over-the-counter pain relievers when getting ready for holiday celebrations and/or dealing with more than the usual amount of stress.
- Position yourself wisely: The stress of the pressures that seem to come from the holiday season may lead to back spasms. If your back does seize, try lying on your back with your knees bent and low legs supported. You can lie on the floor, bend your knees and place your legs on the seat of a chair. If you are not able to get to the floor, lie on the bed, support your legs so your knees are at 90 degree angles.
- Stretch: Back pain is often caused by tension in the muscles around the hips and pelvis. Chronic tension and tension from physical activity may change the alignment of your spine and pelvis. Try stretching your back and hip muscles.
- Do your back exercises: Back exercises do not really take an extended length of time. You know you feel better when you do them! If you can’t squeeze in the entire routine, don’t allow that to keep you from doing something.
- Stay active: Studies suggest that fit people have less back pain. Try to do some form of physical activity every day or every other day. Take a walk with relatives or friends not only to help you minimize holiday weight gain, but may also keep your back in good shape.
- Manage your medications: Be vigilant about maintaining your current medication schedule. Ask your doctor if you need to adjust your medication to assist you in dealing with holiday stress.
- Know when you need a doctor: When in doubt about your back pain, call your doctor. If you are having problems controlling your bladder and /or your legs have been becoming weaker, you should see a doctor or go to the emergency room. If you have a fever, prompt attention is important. Pain and other nerve symptoms down a leg or arm, pain that worsens when you bend your spine, traumas to the spine and pain that lasts longer than 3 weeks are also serious.
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
October is Chiropractic Health Month
medicine is a profession focusing on disorders of the musculoskeletal
system and the nervous system, and the effect of these disorders one’s
general health. Chiropractic care is used most to address concerns
including but not limited to headaches, neck pain, back pain, joint pain
in arms or legs, and other neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Often the
pain you experience is from a car accident, athletic injury,
overexertion of muscles, repetitive work (i.e. typing), lifting,
bending, etc., or a combination thereof. Chiropractors (Doctors of
Chiropractic) practice a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care.
Colorado Springs, Colorado chiropractor, Dr. James Thatcher provides his
patients with a comprehensive examination, diagnosis, and treatment.
Dr. Thatcher has broad diagnostic skills and is trained to recommend
therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, acupuncture, and dry needling.
How Safe and Effective is Chiropractic Care?
There is a growing list of research studies demonstrating that chiropractic is both safe and effective. Following are excerpts and summaries from a few of the more recent studies. Evidence from these and other studies strongly supports the natural, whole-body and cost-effective approach of chiropractic care for a variety of conditions.
“Patients with chronic low-back pain treated by chiropractors showed greater improvement and satisfaction at one month than patients treated by family physicians. Satisfaction scores were higher for chiropractic patients. A higher proportion of chiropractic patients (56 percent vs. 13 percent) reported that their low-back pain was better or much better, whereas nearly one-third of medical patients reported their low-back pain was worse or much worse.”
– Nyiendo et al (2000), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
“In a Randomized controlled trial, 183 patients with neck pain were randomly allocated to manual therapy (spinal mobilization), physiotherapy (mainly exercise) or general practitioner care (counseling, education and drugs) in a 52-week study. The clinical outcomes measures showed that manual therapy resulted in faster recovery than physiotherapy and general practitioner care. Moreover, total costs of the manual therapy-treated patients were about one-third of the costs of physiotherapy or general practitioner care.”
-- Korthals-de Bos et al (2003), British Medical Journal
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
How Safe and Effective is Chiropractic Care?
There is a growing list of research studies demonstrating that chiropractic is both safe and effective. Following are excerpts and summaries from a few of the more recent studies. Evidence from these and other studies strongly supports the natural, whole-body and cost-effective approach of chiropractic care for a variety of conditions.
“Patients with chronic low-back pain treated by chiropractors showed greater improvement and satisfaction at one month than patients treated by family physicians. Satisfaction scores were higher for chiropractic patients. A higher proportion of chiropractic patients (56 percent vs. 13 percent) reported that their low-back pain was better or much better, whereas nearly one-third of medical patients reported their low-back pain was worse or much worse.”
– Nyiendo et al (2000), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
“In a Randomized controlled trial, 183 patients with neck pain were randomly allocated to manual therapy (spinal mobilization), physiotherapy (mainly exercise) or general practitioner care (counseling, education and drugs) in a 52-week study. The clinical outcomes measures showed that manual therapy resulted in faster recovery than physiotherapy and general practitioner care. Moreover, total costs of the manual therapy-treated patients were about one-third of the costs of physiotherapy or general practitioner care.”
-- Korthals-de Bos et al (2003), British Medical Journal
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Medicare and Chiropractic Care
care is an intervention therapy based on the interactions or workings
of the spine and nervous system. James Thatcher, D.C. in Colorado
Springs provides chiropractic services; most services are used to treat
complaints of headaches, neck pain, back pain, or pain in the joints of
the arms or legs. Frequently these types of pain are a result of a car
accident or a fall.
Dr. Thatcher practices a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care. This approach includes patient examination, diagnosis, and treatment. Chiropractors assess patients through examination, laboratory tests, x-rays, etc. Dr. Thatcher then determines whether or not chiropractic treatment is appropriate for you. He will readily refer patients to the appropriate health care provider when chiropractic care is not suitable for the patient's condition, or the condition warrants co-management in conjunction with other members of the health care team.
"Spinal manipulation" or “chiropractic adjustment” is the most common procedure performed by a chiropractor. Manipulation or adjustment of the affected areas can restore motion, alleviate pain and muscle tightness, and promote the healing of body tissue. Often times, chiropractic service may be the primary method of treatment regarding musculoskeletal issues. The chiropractor may also suggest additional medical treatments.
Are Chiropractic Services Covered?
Yes, Medicare Part B pays for a chiropractor's manual manipulation of the spine.
Do I Qualify for Chiropractic Services?
Your chiropractic treatment is covered by Medicare if:
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
Find us on:
Dr. Thatcher practices a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care. This approach includes patient examination, diagnosis, and treatment. Chiropractors assess patients through examination, laboratory tests, x-rays, etc. Dr. Thatcher then determines whether or not chiropractic treatment is appropriate for you. He will readily refer patients to the appropriate health care provider when chiropractic care is not suitable for the patient's condition, or the condition warrants co-management in conjunction with other members of the health care team.
"Spinal manipulation" or “chiropractic adjustment” is the most common procedure performed by a chiropractor. Manipulation or adjustment of the affected areas can restore motion, alleviate pain and muscle tightness, and promote the healing of body tissue. Often times, chiropractic service may be the primary method of treatment regarding musculoskeletal issues. The chiropractor may also suggest additional medical treatments.
Are Chiropractic Services Covered?
Yes, Medicare Part B pays for a chiropractor's manual manipulation of the spine.
Do I Qualify for Chiropractic Services?
Your chiropractic treatment is covered by Medicare if:
- You have a significant health problem in the form of a neuromusculoskeletal condition that needs treatment (such as pain, inflammation, swelling, leg and foot numbness, etc.)
- Manual manipulation has been recommended for improvement of your condition
Thatcher Chiropractic is located at 3535 American Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 near the intersection at Austin Bluffs Parkway and Academy Boulevard. For more information you can visit our website at If you have additional questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone. You can reach us at (719) 574-3700.
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